Charlotte Harbor Center

Eagles In Action!

  • Charlotte Harbor School

    Welcome to Charlotte Harbor School

    22450 Hancock Ave.Punta Gorda, FL 33980

    Phone: (941)255-7440

    Fax: (941) 255-7446

  • Free Breakfast and Lunch for All CCPS District Students

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Student Accident Insurance


    SAC meeting, FIRST Wednesday of every month

     2:15 P.M--in the Cafe!

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  • Fortify Florida

    Suspicious Activity Reporting App

    FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

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  • Is your "eagle" ill?

    If your child won't be coming to

    school, please call the attendance

    office by 9 AM and leave a

    message including the child's

    name and the reason they will be

    missing school.  

    (941)255-7440, option #1.

  • Please continue sending in the following items: Box Tops for Education, pull tabs from soda cans.  Our students count and organize these items and then our school receives money for what is turned in.  

    The plastic lids program is no longer accepting lids. We are looking for a replacement program, but as of this time please do not send in any plastic lids.

  • Parent and Family Portal

    Parent and Family Portal