State Reporting
Because the school district is a governmental agency, CCPS must provide information to the State of Florida throughout the year to ensure we receive the funding necessary to cover classroom and district expenses.
FTE stands for Full Time Equivalency and is the process whereby student and staff information are reported to the Department of Education for State and Federal Funds. FTE is extracted from specific data elements required by DOE and is transmitted electronically.
FTE reporting periods are referred to as Surveys. The number of Surveys the District must submit on a yearly basis is six (6). The schedule is as follows:
- Survey 1 - Summer School and DJJ Data
July - Survey 2 - ALL Site Data
October - Survey 9 - ESE Student Data
November - Survey 3 - ALL Site Data
February - Survey 4 - Summer School and DJJ Data
June - Survey 5 - ALL Data for the Prior School Year
For specifics related to Surveys please contact Melanie Eastman (941) 255-0808 Ext. 2032.
- Survey 1 - Summer School and DJJ Data

FTE Audits
Periodically, the Auditor Generals Office in Tallahassee will audit FTE Data submitted by the District. We are required to retain documentation up to three (3) years or until all applicable audits are complete. The following is a list of items that should be retained for three years in the event of an audit for Surveys 1-4 Only:
- Bell schedule documented on letterhead.
- A copy of Master Schedule on Date Certain for each survey.
- Daily absence listing; print one copy for each day of the 11 day attendance window including all absence types.
- Print a class attendance summary for teacher verification.
- Attendance Certification signed by the principal or principal designee for EACH survey.
- District School Calendar.
- Pupil Progression Plan.
- Course Code Directory.
- Time Cards for OJT Students.
- FTE Class Rolls signed by teacher. The FTE class rolls must be printed ON DATE CERTAIN for each survey.
- Student files for all special programs (ESE - IEP, ESOL - LEP Plan, DOP - Type of Program Placement Forms, 504 - 504 Plan).