PTO's function is fund-raising while SAC is involved with school improvement issues. The agenda for each group's business is separate. We attempt to complete all business within one hour.
We recognize that our parent partners are a great asset to our school, and we welcome your comments, and suggestions. Our School Advisory Council (SAC), Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and Parent & Family Engagement Plan Team (PFEPT) work actively to support the Deep Creek School Community. Meetings and events are held almost every month. Both are advertised on our website, school bulletin boards and reminders are sent using our School Messenger automated phone call system.
All are welcome to join SAC and PTO meetings held throughout the year. Your participation in PTO, SAC, school functions, and our volunteer program is essential to Deep Creek’s success. Research shows students are more involved when parents are involved.
PTO and SAC meetings for the 2023-24 school year will be held in-person in the DCES Media Center.