Phone: ext. 7324
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Maggie Reading
Maggie Reading (RED-ing) has been teaching at Lemon Bay High School since 2024. She teaches Biology, Environmental Science, and Earth & Space Science. Ms. Reading is originally from central Pennsylvania -- Go Penn State! She received her Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a minor in American Sign Language. In addition to being a teacher, Ms. Reading has worked as an EMT, an inpatient psychiatric tech, and as a business manager at Enterprise Holdings, Inc. She moved to Fort Myers, FL in 2021 where her teaching career began. Since then, Ms. Reading has earned her teaching certification from FGCU as part of the scholarship-funded Teacher Immersion Program for STEM teachers. She was nominated for AICE Teacher of the Year in 2023 and for Teacher of the Year in 2022. Finally, Ms. Reading completed the prestigious Research Experience for Teachers through the Center for Science and the Schools (CSATS) at The Pennsylvania State University. This program consisted of an intensive 7-week program where she designed and implemented scientific research at the Central Pennsylvania Research and Teaching Laboratory for Biofuels in Harrisburg, PA. She is currently working on publishing a scientific paper related to her research. Interested in more? Check out the link below ↓
CSATS Fellows Alumni Page: https://www.csats.psu.edu/alumni/ret-alumni#2024