Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Rob Hoff
Hello, welcome to my website and the start of the 2024/2025 school year! I encourage both students and parents to read both this page and the appropriate course link. Good luck and I look forward to meeting everyone!
- By clicking the appropriate link on the left, you will find your particular course syllabus.
- Daily work will always be listed on your canvas course. This can be found through an icon within your classLink.
- The following are my classroom rules and will be followed according to school policies. They are in place and enforced in order to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
- Students are expected to be on time and prepared for every class. After the first 10 minutes of class, you will not only be marked as unexcused tardy but also have a referral submitted for skipping class.
- The student is expected to be in his/her seat when the bell rings and be ready to work.
- Students are not allowed to be out of their seat without permission.
- The only electronic device allowed to be used during class is a calculator. Cell phones are not to be used as calculators. Cell phones and electronic devices are to be put away while entering the classroom.
- It is the student’s responsibility to find what they missed if/when they are absent.
- The only time a student is allowed to sleep or lay his/her head down in class is after a quiz or test. If the student is too ill to sit up and participate, they will be given a pass to the clinic.
- No food or drink other than water is allowed in the classroom.
- Restroom passes are given as needed. Students are expected not to abuse this. Students are expected to leave their phone in the classroom when they go.
The following is my general grading procedure in all my courses.
I teach a lecture-style course where students are expected to take notes and complete daily assignments. I will provide several examples for the students to follow and if time allows, guided practice during class. The students are expected to complete every assignment, read their text, and review their work on a daily basis. The students should be prepared for quizzes and projects given at the teacher’s discretion. No late assignments will receive credit. Assignments will be graded based on completion most of the time. Every problem must be attempted in order to receive full credit. Assignments will be graded on a random basis.
Homework assignments are typically 5 to 10 points. Quizzes are typically 30 to 50 points. Tests are typically 80 to 100 points.
Course grades are figured on total points earned divided by total points possible with: 90% = A 80% = B 70% = C 60% = D