Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Mark Hertz
Introduction: Hello and welcome to my webpage! My name is Mark Hertz and this is my 10th year teaching at Lemon Bay High School. I have been in the educational profession for 20 years, teaching many subjects at different levels. I am primarily an English teacher, holding a Master's Degree in English with an emphasis on Teaching Writing. Before Lemon Bay, I taught at L.A. Ainger Middle School here in Englewood, eight years at Six Rivers Charter High School in Arcata, a small rural town on the north coast of California, Freshman Composition at Humboldt State University, and Humanities at Academy of the Redwoods in Eureka, CA. I have also been an adjunct professor at Florida SouthWestern State College, teaching ENC 1101 and 1102. I am currently certified in Social Studies, Reading, and ESOL, and enjoy the process of teaching and learning!
I love the outdoors and sports. My favorite football team is the Las Vegas Raiders and my favorite baseball team is the Los Angeles Dodgers. I am the coach of the Lemon Bay High School Boys Varsity Soccer Team and coached Englewood competitive soccer teams for years. I am a father of two amazing boys, and my wife and I love living in southwest Florida! I look forward to a successful and rewarding year!
Webpage: I have designed my web page to provide parents and students with the information needed to be successful in class. In the unfortunate event your child is sick or must stay home, I want to make sure they will have access to the lesson plans and assignments. Lesson plans will always be posted on this web page, and assignments are available on Canvas, the District's Learning Management System. You can access Canvas through your student's CCPS Classlink account.
Lesson Plans: Lesson plans will be uploaded to this site on a weekly basis so students and parents will have outline of assignments completed each day in class. I will also post weekly lesson plans on the board in my classroom. Students can easily take a picture of them every Monday as another reference/reminder.
Information Regarding LHBS Boys Soccer: All potential Boys Soccer players are welcome to try out for the Lemon Bay team! We are a highly competitive program and compete against local and southwest Florida schools. For the past two years, we have qualified for the state regional tournament.
In order to participate, you must have a physical from a doctor and complete all required paperwork. Please copy and paste the links below into your web browser and follow for directions and documents. You can also get a hard copy of the physical packet from the Athletics Office. Tryouts begin in October. You cannot try out until all the paperwork is complete, including your physical.
Athlete Clearance
Instructions: http://lemonbayhigh.com/documents/AthleteClearanceInstructions.pdf
Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation: http://lemonbayhigh.com/documents/el02_physical_2.pdf